Your hands can play important roles in communication, touch and grasp. The complex anatomy of the hand allows its structures to work seamlessly together permitting your day to day activities.

Problems with different structures within the hand can cause issues with the way your hand is used.

Carpal tunnel syndrome is a condition where the median nerve becomes compressed as it passes through an area of the wrist called the carpal tunnel.

Nerve compression can produce symptoms such as tingling in the fingers and in severe cases numbness and weakness. READ MORE

Dupuytrens disease is a genetic condition in which there is thickening of the tissue (fascia) below the skin of the hand.

Scar tissue forms within this fascia which can cause the digits to curl towards the palm. READ MORE

A trigger digit typically occurs when the tendon that normally bends the digit gets stuck as the digit tries to straighten.

This is typically due to inflammation. The finger tends to “ping” open when attempting to straighten it. READ MORE

Mucous cysts are a type of ganglion cyst. They typically occur around the end joint of the digits. They are harmless.

They are associated with osteoarthritis and can result in changes to the nail. READ MORE

Arthritis occurs when there is a loss of the normal cartilage or lining on the bones that form the finger joints. It typically occurs due to wear and tear of the joints.

Symptoms include pain and swelling. Reduced movement of the finger joints can occurs aa the disease progresses. READ MORE

Lumps and bumps are very common in the hand and wrist. The vast majority are entirely harmless.

Many grow larger and can become bigger and can interfere with normal hand and wrist movement. READ MORE

Thumb base osteoarthritis is very common. While many individuals may experience no or mild symptoms, the condition can manifest as stiffness, grinding sensations, and a persistent, dull ache that may feel worse when using the thumb, particularly when pinching and gripping objects. READ MORE

General information
Having a hand or wrist operation

What does having a hand or wrist operation involve? Here is where we try to answer to all your questions.

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