The wrist is the link between the hand and the forearm. It is made up of a series bones and joints. Tendons, blood vessels and nerves cross the wrist joint that give function to the hand.

Issues with these structures can manifest as problems around the wrist.

Ganglion cysts are beingn swellings commonly seen around the hand and wrist. The exact cause is unknown. Symptoms include a fluctuant lump that can go up and down in size. READ MORE

Wrist arthritis develops when the cartilage covering the wrist joints undergoes significant thinning and roughening. Symptoms include pain, stiffness, and swelling.

This arthritis can be a consequence of prior injuries to the wrist such as a fracture (broken bone). READ MORE

This is a painful inflammatory condition that is caused by irritation of the tendons that run on the thumb side of the wrist. READ MORE

General information
Having a hand or wrist operation

What does having a hand or wrist operation involve? Here is where we try to answer to all your questions.

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